Listening to the Cry of the Earth, the Cry of the
Poor, and the Cry of the New Generations


“The health of the Mystical Body, of humanity, is peace. And the health of
the cosmos is ecology. I have the impression that in the future there will be a
great ecological development in our Movement because we have to save the
natural environment. In the same way that one has to be alive and not dead
in order to work at becoming a saint, so too must the planet be alive in
order to provide a home for humanity. (…) Our planet is essential for life to
exist. Therefore, a healthy ecology is the foundation of peace. We can only
build peace and brotherhood on a planet that exists.”
Chiara Lubich, Rocca di Papa, June 25, 1991.


“Let’s do what plants do. They absorb from the earth only the water,
nutrients and other things they need, and not more. So each of us must have
what we need and everything else be given away and shared with others.”
Chiara Lubich

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